Waterproofing grade D3
1.Application: For bonding wood details.
2.Technical characteristics.
- Appearance: viscous liquid
- Color-white
- Odor- weak, specific
- viscosity 80-100s
- pH: above 5.0
3.Application-applied to machine and manually.
4.Cleaning-the parts of the machine which have touch with adhesive are cleaning with hot or cold water.
5.Storage-adhesive storage in their original containers indoors at positive temperatures, stable for 6 months from the date of manufacturing.
6.Packing-adhesive is packed in sealed plastic containers for transport of 20 ,30
Other containers are allowed in negotiating with the buyer.
7.Transport - takes place in all types of closed vehicles, providing the necessary storage conditions.When buying a glue manufacturer certificate of quality.Available data sheet.